Friday, June 6, 2008

Read this post.

New schedule:

June 15-21: New Orleans
June 22-27: Piedras Negras
June 28-29: San Antonio
July 6-12: Appalachia
July 13-19: Group 1
July 27-August 2: Group 2

Yeah, I'm excited.

Today was a downish day. We didn't do anything physical. I did some more preparation for the teaching times, we returned some material we didn't use, went tile shopping, and got the rescheduling done for the summer. I had the chance to use the math I learned in high school for the first time - we had to figure out how much tile to buy. I hope I did it right . . .

Tomorrow we're doing a Help Build Hope in Columbus, IN. We have to get up at 5 am so that we can be there by 7. Ouch.

Mom, if you read these posts, could you leave a comment or something to let me know that you've read it? That'd be a big help. Thanks.

Maybe I'll say something serious tomorrow.


jamesadavenport said...

I read your blog. It makes me happy. I have one too, but it's not as cool., you know, if you're interested. if not then nevermind, I take it back.

margie said...

i'm so proud of you. how is it that you can say things more eloquently than me most times? anyways kid, i love that you're seeing God's hand in the curveballs and that you also have learned so much from steve (as have i). you have an amazing heart and i'm so happy that i can share my love of ministry and missions with you. you're my favorite, always.

Katie said...

Hey to read about your summer adventures and all that God has you doing. We were in Moorhead over the weekend for Brian's graduation open house. It doesn't seem possible to have you guys all out on your own. We are so proud of you!
Lori, Jose and the girls

Kathy T said...

you are too cool for words - but then they are few. glad you are enjoying yourself and not letting changes stress you out. you always have been pretty mellow... it will serve you well through life. love you too too too