Sunday, June 15, 2008

a clever title for this post eludes me . . .

We arrived in New Orleans safely. It took us about twelve hours in all. Not too bad. I'll post more on the city later if I can. Once I have something to post, that is.

The entire day was kinda bittersweet because I got to come back to New Orleans (that's the sweet part) but I couldn't spend Father's Day with Dad or go to the Brad/Kyle graduation party. But whatev.

On a side note, who is this 'bonzo' character who commented a couple posts ago? I can't figure it out, but I'll get to the bottom of it. You better watch out, 'bonzo'. And by the way, thanks for the encouraging words. I WILL KNOW YOUR REAL NAME! But seriously, thanks for reading and commenting.


jamesadavenport said...

bonzo is your mom. Say hi to New Orleans and all of the Crossroads staff for me.

margie said...

i can't believe you didn't know who bonzo was... nerd

Kathy T said...

Matt - you can always make me laugh.